Tuesday, January 18, 2011


What was I expecting from our CompEd2 class? Well, not much really since my 1st experience with computer class wasn't that much either. But then, not expecting much helped and I was able to appreciate what I learned (so far...) and internalize the rest of it for future use (like in work or other stuffs...). It was cool for me since the environment where we conduct our class is also cool (literally. haha!) and I don't even mind our class being delayed for, like 15 mins. or so ('coz it gives me ample time to do some more important stuffs) and also doing activities like making a picture slideshow/movie and this blog. Though I know how to do these things already (learned from my High School computer subjects), I am grateful for the opportunity to apply what I learned then now in my ComEd2 class.

Oh well. That would be all. c:

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